In this article, we are going to share you the best H.265 to H.264 converter on Mac or Windows, and other online H.264 converter free.
For efficient video coding, you may need to convert H.265 to H.264 to stream videos or playback on any of your iPhone or Android phone. On the other hand, H.264 is preferred more because of its high performance in any devices and it is also suitable for playbacks. So how to convert H.265 to H.264?Ĭompared to H.264, H.265 performance is tested to be very less. It cannot be used for regular streaming of video as it works well for watching HDTV videos only.
Even though H.265 could be used for watching video with high video quality and resolution, it is a must to own a computer which has high resolution alongwith higher configuration settings in CPU.